Summer is reaching full stride. Warm days and warm nights fuel an explosion of life in all its forms.
Prairies are an excellent example of this explosion as dozens of grasses and wildflowers reach for the sky and burst into bloom. Among the grasses, big bluestem, Indian grass, and switch grasses rise 4-8 feet and unfurl their showy seedheads. Sprinkled amid these dancing grasses wildflowers such as purple coneflowers, bergamot, black eyed susans, rattlesnake master, compass plants, and sunflowers bloom into a rainbow of color.
As the prairie reveals its glory, an array of pollinators sets forth to gather its nectar including bumble bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Within the sea of grasses countless birds seek refuge and hide nests. In many cases the birds of the prairie add even more colors as gold finches, bluebirds, and bobolinks dart and dip gathering seeds and insects to feed their young.
Prairies are a beautiful symphony of life in myriad forms. Each species plays an important role in creating an amazing scene on Wisconsin’s landscape.
Just like prairies, Horicon Bank customers are a beautiful mix. From very young to young at heart, our customers each play an important part in making our communities special places to live, work, and play.
Horicon Bank understands this and supports our customers with the unique and easy to use banking services in every stage of life. From a child’s first savings account to a corporation’s treasury management strategies, Horicon Bank is ready to serve individuals, families, and businesses alike.
Horicon Bank also helps serve the needs of the communities we share. No matter where you live, it doesn’t take long to find Horicon Bankers supporting school events, service clubs, charitable organizations, and community events nearby.
Business and personal banking customers have been flocking to Horicon Bank for over 127 years because of these caring and helpful services. With twenty locations in communities from the Fox Valley to Metro Milwaukee, online access, and our industry-leading digital branch, Horicon Bank is the Natural Choice for customers everywhere. Migrate to Horicon Bank by stopping at a branch location, using our Virtual Teller machines, or tapping our Ascend app to learn more about our Bankers, services, and the many ways we can conveniently serve you and the communities we share!
Just as summer is the perfect time to take in the wonder of the prairie, it is also the perfect time to talk with a Horicon Banker about your personal or business banking needs. Please contact a Horicon Banker today!