We’re racing for wellness. Five years in a row.
Horicon Bank’s 5K Run/Walk for Wellness is gearing up for its fifth race to be held on Saturday, September 17 in Lakeside Park. We are once again partnering with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (or NAMI), a nationwide organization that works to provide education, support and advocacy for families and people with mental illness.
All proceeds from the race benefit the local Fond du Lac chapter of NAMI, Friendship Corner, and the NAMI Drop-In Center. And Vice President Dale Hans, says he is looking forward to our fifth year supporting a local cause.
“NAMI has a great mission with a local focus here in Fond du Lac,” said Dale. “Mental illness affects our community, and we’re fortunate to have an organization like NAMI to turn to when that happens. By partnering with NAMI, we hope to provide awareness and promote wellness both physically and mentally.”
After four successful races, we've been able to donate more than $15,000 to the local programs of NAMI Fond du Lac. Last year's race alone saw over 200 registrations. Dale says he is hoping the race brings in even more people this year – with a special focus on families.
“When it comes to mental illness, we recognize that it affects more than just an individual – it affects the whole family,” said Dale. “That’s why this is an event for the whole family to enjoy and participate in.”
We’re running (and walking!) the race through Fond du Lac’s scenic Lakeside Park with prizes of $100 for the top male and female runners. And all participants will be chip timed this year – for even more accurate race times!
When: Saturday, September 17 at 8:30am
Where: Lakeside Park, 555 North Park Ave, Fond du Lac
Why: To support a great local cause - NAMI Fond du Lac!